Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Magic Moments (Janelle)

Since I work in both Tomorrowland and Fantasyland in Magic Kingdom, my work area consists of two ice cream shops, a drink shop, and a hot dog place. While working at one of the ice cream shops, every now and then we are given permission to do what we call a "Magic Moment." What happens is we make a big ice cream sundae using any (or all) of our toppings, grab a few spoons, and give it to a random family in the park. Yesterday a girl I work with and I made a huge sundae with a brownie, swirl ice cream, hot fudge and strawberries, and we went outside and spotted a couple walking down the street, each pushing a toddler in a stroller. They looked so scared when we stopped them, I think they thought they were in trouble or something! But then we told them this story about how Cinderella had been looking down from the tower of her castle and when she had seen them, she had decided to make them a big ice cream sundae, and she sent us to give it to them. They got so excited, it was adorable! And it turns out that it was their son's birthday, so that made it even better, because we got to wish him happy birthday and watch his face light up as we handed them their ice cream. It made my day :) I love Disney!
Fantasyland Costume!
     Also, I have been able to talk to guests at work in Spanish!! I have had several families come up to my register who can hardly speak English at all, so instead of trying to figure out what they want in English, I just switch over to Spanish. I am so glad that my Spanish has come in handy, and not gonna lie, I'm kinda excited that I can have a full-on conversation with people in another language. And the look on my coworkers' faces when they hear a little white girl start busting out Spanish is really funny!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you! Conversing in spanish is one me my goals. I am reading the BoM this year in spanish with the hope that it will help me in my efforts to communicate with the sisters in the temple. Love reading your blog thanks for doing it!
